Our Society's Double Standard

by Tom Wacaster

Those guided by an absolute standard of right and wrong have no problem being consistent when it comes to life's decisions and/or personal convictions.   Sane folks recognize the double standard that is presently in place in our society, whether you call it “political correctness,” “apathy” or “abject indifference.”  We marvel at the ability of politicians to lie through their proverbial “teeth” while looking straight into the camera or leaning ever closer to the microphone and telling us that they are telling the truth.  It has been more than three decades since a former President of the United States was accused, but never convicted, of perjury.  In the heat of that political scandal during the mid 90’s, after it became obvious that the President had lied on that (and a number of other occasions) someone made the following observation:  “We all know the Clintons lie. What bothers me is that they do it with such ease.” Solomon concluded there is “nothing new under the sun,” and two decades later political figures in high places have openly, blatantly, and seemingly without any concern for moral integrity, lied to the American public, all the while denying they have done such.    This past week an effort was made to defend the bold and brazen lying of the man who now sits in the Oval Office and occupies the highest office in our land.  The excuse? “It isn't a lie if you did not intend to keep the promise.”  Reminds me of another President who once said, “Yes, I smoked marijuana but I didn’t inhale!”   Say what?   You mean to tell me that if you make a promise but have no intention of keeping the promise that it is not lying?  What sort of rationale is that?  To put it another way, a person could intentionally tell a lie and it is not a lie.   The same kind of insanity ruled in Israel during the days of Isaiah when good was called evil, and evil good.   There is so much inconsistency in Washington and on the public airways that one wonders if some alien has come to this world and captured and carried logic and reason off to some remote planet!   Let me share with you some tidbits of information from the not-too-distant past that illustrate the inconsistencies of the world in which we live:

First, some years ago front page headlines, editorials, emails and blogs focused their attention on the selection of Sonia Sotomayor by Barack Obama for the Supreme Court nominee.  In a news conference the President stated that the Sotomayor reflects his “philosophy” of the U.S. Constitution.   However, during his campaign for the office of President, when asked what criteria he would use in selecting someone to the bench on the highest court in our land, he assured the voters that he would appoint only those who reflected a “proper judicial understanding” of the U.S. Constitution, and would not under any circumstances appoint judges who would legislate from the bench.   His was an attempt to calm the fears of those “moderates” who might not vote for him had he told the truth about his position on intended selection and appointment of Supreme Court judges.  Well, we now know exactly what his “philosophy” of the Constitution means.  But what bothers me is how he could lie to the American people while “thinking” he was telling the truth. 

Second, in the Dallas morning news of June 1, 2009, a front page article read as follows:  “Abortion doctor is slain at church.” George Tiller, a member of the Reformation Lutheran Church in Wichita, Kansas, was shot and killed shortly after services had ended the morning before.   Tiller was well known as one of the few doctors who performed abortions late in pregnancy.   I want you to read the closing paragraph as it appeared in that Dallas Morning News article:  “Nancy Keenan, president of NARAL Pro-Choice America, said the slaying would ‘send a chill down the spines of the brave and courageous providers’ offering abortion to American women” (Dallas Morning News, June 1, 2009, page 9A).   Does this not seem a little inconsistent to you?  Here is a spokeswoman for pro-abortionists who looks upon an abortionist, and particularly Dr. Tillman who was willing to kill babies in the womb, as being a “brave and courageous” person?   Since when is it a “brave” and “courageous” thing to kill babies in the womb?   While we do not condone the murder of George Tillman, it amazes us that pro-abortionists cannot see the double standard here.  

Finally, there is the entire incident surrounding the intended, yet still unaccomplished closing of Guantanamo detention center in the name of human rights.  Our President has expressed his belief that the treatment of terrorist detainees was indeed “torture” and that America will not be involved in torture.  Well excuse me, Mr. President, but did you not, when serving as a Senator, refuse to sign a measure that would have stopped the torture of babies who happened to be fortunate enough to survive the abortion attempt on the part of their unloving mothers and murderous doctors?  In fact, were you not the only Senator who refused to sign that bill?  Did you not affirm that you would be in favor of allowing an infant who happened to live through an abortion attempt to be deprived of food and medical care to save its life?  If that is not “torture” then perhaps I need to go back to school and become enlightened by the same radical and liberal philosophy that you hold toward life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness!   Seems to me there is a double standard being used by he who holds the highest office in the land and upheld by the liberal constituents in Washington.

The point of this article is to bear upon the minds of our readers that there is obviously a double standard that guides the thinking of those who have rejected God, the Bible, and everything that is holy and right.  The further a person, or group of people, drifts from God, the worse that double standard becomes.  The glaring inconsistencies of many of our politicians, social reformers, and common man on the street does not surprise us; but it still saddens us.   The wide chasm that exists between the “absolute” and “all-sufficient” standard, i.e. the word of God, and the complete lack of a moral guide by so many in our sin-sick society, whether in Washington or on Main Street USA, ought to be enough to wake us up to the tragedy that awaits us - a tragedy that lurks just around the corner.   Personally, I am glad that I can wake up each morning with the full realization that I have a divine standard that guides me and instructs me in things pertaining to life and godliness.  The absence of such an absolute standard in the life of an individual leaves him no better off than a boat without a compass or rudder, while steaming full speed ahead into the darkness of immorality and the void of a mindless and purposeless existence.