by Tom Wacaster
A large number of souls
in India are in bondage to the Hindu religion. It is a religion of futility,
fear, and foolishness. Its adherents remind me of the prophets of Baal who
danced around their idol, cutting themselves, and seeking some sign from their
god while praying to an idol that can neither hear, see, nor answer. It is not
uncommon for Indians to broadcast their religious services over a loud speaker
so that those in the village can hear the message. Such methods to spread their
intended message are neither offensive, nor prohibited. Our brethren take
advantage of this to broadcast the sermon and song service to the village
people, giving them the opportunity to hear the truth. Last Tuesday we visited a
village that had a congregation of the Lord’s people. Unfortunately the
brethren did not have a loud speaker, and I am not certain that it would have
been beneficial at this precise occasion. Just about the time we got ready to
begin our services, the procession carrying the Hindu god moved slowly past the
church building. So we very patiently waited until the procession had passed
before we began. But even after the procession had passed us by and moved off
some distance from the building, we could still hear the loud speaker blaring
the message to faithful Hindus: “Come make your sacrifice; bring your gifts...”
The volume at times was so high we could barely hear ourselves speaking to one
another. Yes, the message was heard; but unfortunately, it was a message with
no value.
Our world is inundated with messages that are not worth listening to. Whether it be the Hindu message that calls for worship to a false god , or the noise of materialism and hedonism, these blaring messages drown out the Gospel of Truth. Indeed, the “god of this world” has blinded the minds of the ignorant, and stopped the ears from hearing the truth. The incredible thing about this is the fact that men want it that way. They are content to hear messages that tickle the ears and sooth the conscience. They listen; but the message is not worth listening to. Thankfully God has promised us that when the message falls on good and honest hearts the result will be a soul saved to the Lord’s glory and honor. You and I have the responsibility to send forth the message (Mat. 28:18-20, Mark 16:15). What about our response? To what message do we give heed? Are we listening to the message of the world, with its allurements and promises? Or are we listening to the message that tells us to go? Brethren, the call in India is great. The call for men to turn away from idols and from the vanity of Hinduism is spreading throughout that land. Thankfully, men are listening, but the call goes forth for us to help our brethren spread that message. Will we answer? Or will we, like those whose ears have been stopped by vain messages, refuse to listen? One choice will lead to life for ourselves and those who hear us. The only other alternative is to listen to a message not worth listening to.
Our world is inundated with messages that are not worth listening to. Whether it be the Hindu message that calls for worship to a false god , or the noise of materialism and hedonism, these blaring messages drown out the Gospel of Truth. Indeed, the “god of this world” has blinded the minds of the ignorant, and stopped the ears from hearing the truth. The incredible thing about this is the fact that men want it that way. They are content to hear messages that tickle the ears and sooth the conscience. They listen; but the message is not worth listening to. Thankfully God has promised us that when the message falls on good and honest hearts the result will be a soul saved to the Lord’s glory and honor. You and I have the responsibility to send forth the message (Mat. 28:18-20, Mark 16:15). What about our response? To what message do we give heed? Are we listening to the message of the world, with its allurements and promises? Or are we listening to the message that tells us to go? Brethren, the call in India is great. The call for men to turn away from idols and from the vanity of Hinduism is spreading throughout that land. Thankfully, men are listening, but the call goes forth for us to help our brethren spread that message. Will we answer? Or will we, like those whose ears have been stopped by vain messages, refuse to listen? One choice will lead to life for ourselves and those who hear us. The only other alternative is to listen to a message not worth listening to.